Project sourcing,

All information in one place

Financier and bank project overview for digital ship finance / Container vessel

Source the most relevant deals

A trusted partner

On a mutually confidential basis, your institution will gain instant access to deals from around the world. You will discover interesting clients and projects ready to receive terms. The oceanis team stands by to support you along the way while you remain in full control.

Financier - A trusted partner

Move faster than the competition

Financier - Standardized project display

Standardized project display

Spend less time initiating contact and deciphering convoluted requests. Make full use of your time, performing analysis and calibrating your terms. Projects are displayed as transparently and intuitively as possible, allowing you to focus on what is most important.

Customized to your needs

Personalized services

Through sharing your deal preferences, you will only be suggested projects that fit your strategy. With you in the driver’s seat, the oceanis team is fully incentivized to support your strategies. We accompany you through the process of screening projects, finding the best angle for your terms and the most relevant shipowners for your portfolio.

Financier - Personalized services

Saving your money

Financier - Streamlined and Free of Charge

Streamlined and Free of Charge

Our platform is free of change for financiers. While traditional deal sourcing and negotiations can be a chore, oceanis optimizes your onboarding process to reduce wasted time and let you be more efficient.

Our achievements


Ship Owners




Received Indicative Terms

34 min.

Fastest Received Indication

How to use the oceanis platform

  • 01

    On the start page of the platform you get an overview of currently published projects. When selecting the project page, you will find a standardized project summary and a financial projection.

  • 02

    To send indicative terms, select a project and click “Submit Non-binding Terms”.

  • 03

    Enter commercial terms as well as covenants and other relevant information. Moreover, you have options to enter terms for individual vessels and to upload a termsheet in your own format.

  • 04

    When your non-binding terms are submitted, they are visible to the owner and your team directly on the platform.

Financiers - How to use our platform


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